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If you would like to express a concern or make a complaint about activity occurring in the District’s Bond Construction Program, please go the Concerns/Complaint Hotline page, or call the BPM Hotline listed at the bottom of this page.

If you do not wish to use the telephone hotline or web-form for your complaint, or you have a non-complaint question for the Monitor, you may also contact the Bond Program Monitor via:




LACCD Bond Program Monitor​
1200 S Brand Blvd., #401​ Glendale, CA 91204

If your complaint or concern has to do with another aspect of District activities unrelated to the Bond Construction Program, you may contact LACCD’s Internal Audit Department:

LACCD Internal Audit:

Bond Program Monitor Complaint Hotline





Investigations – Internal Audit Department​ 770
Wilshire Boulevard​ Los Angeles, CA  90017

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